Personal Training & Wellness Accountability
Have you ever considered thanking God for the body you have been given?
If you're still reading, I want you to take a moment and think about how stewarding your body can be a form of worship. You are a unique, one-of-a-kind person who God loves relentlessly. Not only that, but He has good plans for you!
Now I want you to ask yourself one more question... Have you ever noticed how your physical health can sometimes affect your spiritual health?
God designed our bodies to move and blessed us with a bounty of nutrition to help us function well. However, at times we neglect to move as much as we should or to fuel our bodies with the food we know is best for us.
Can you relate? I sure can!
That's why I have a passion for seeing people make the connection in their hearts and minds that intentional physical movement and healthy nourishment can be a form of spiritual discipline. Fitness is about far more than what you look like! Strengthening your body is beneficial so you are ready to serve those around you and enjoy life.
While my specialty may be training someone's body, I know that a person's fitness level is not what makes them truly strong. I have experienced firsthand how negative strongholds can hold me back from embracing a life of balanced strength, not just in my spiritual life but also in my body. My commitment to each of my clients is to pray for you and encourage you in your faith walk. I will cheer you on not only to reach your fitness goals but to also run with endurance the spiritual race God has given you.
My desire is to see you be healthy and whole so you can enjoy serving God and others in your day-to-day activities.
Think about your personal fitness goals. Have you ever wondered if they are actually attainable? Even if they are, would you truly be happy and healthy if you achieved them?
If we don't guard our hearts, fitness can easily become an idol.
But if we're prayerful, we can invest in our health in a way that glorifies God.
Fitness is MORE than what you look like!
Lifting weights is important at every age but especially as we get older. Over the years I have realized that if I want to be strong enough to keep doing the activities I enjoy and feel good while doing them, I need to keep weight lifting. Even young kids can safely begin a strength training program and be taught proper lifting form.
Lifting weights helps: